Hmm… 9:11am and 9:37pm are used for Dylan and Eric’s birth times, respectively. I can’t claim any sources other than the word around the street. That would make Dylan a Libra ascendant and Eric a Scorpio ascendant. Do you agree with this?

Mhm, I’ve seen those things floating around too. 9:11am would be pretty funny, considering that Dylan was also born on 9/11 to begin with. The 9:37pm might be more likely, though the sources that stated it also stated Eric’s birthplace wrong. However, they both fit the descriptions for Libra and Scorpio ascendants respectively pretty damn well!

Libra Rising features such interesting tidbits as “they make wonderful mediators and are very accommodating”, but also “they have a tendency to try to be all things to all people, which can
make some people wonder if they have an opinion to call their own”. This would certainly be true for Dylan, which is probably one of the reasons why he would be called a follower by some people who didn’t recognise his mediation skills for what they were. I can certainly see how he would come across as Libran to quite a few people – it seems almost a better fit than his natal Virgo, at times.

Scorpio Rising has gemstones like “has a real stubborn streak, and it is difficult to get them to change their mind once it is made up” alongside “they are emotional creatures, but they are rather adept at hiding this vulnerability”. I think that Eric was a lot of things on the surface and loud about those, too, as a typical Aries would be, but that he also had an emotional vulnerability about him that would jive really well with the depth of a Scorpio Rising. Magnetic character, but also t-r-o-u-b-l-e all day every day. (My Aqua self practically responds to Scorpio influences in a person with “ooohhh, more buttons to push”, lol, which would certainly be true for Eric.)

What are your opinions on astrology? I assume you take it with a grain of salt. Out of curiosity though– have you used it as a tool to understand the boys better? And, have you examined your natal chart? Forgive me for the onset of questions. :)

Don’t mind the questions at all! ^^ Astrology can be fun, especially when it’s at the level where it’s just so accurate you’re going “whoa that’s me and that’s me too” over 99% of it. I take the generalised horoscopes with huge grains of salt, because I think they’re just using these open-ended descriptions that are basically applicable for everybody in those. Natal charts, however, are a different story – you can’t exactly generalise all the ways your signs and planets interact with one another and with the houses they’re in and such. I’m still learning more on the subject, though.

The boys are interesting in this respect. We don’t know their birthtimes, just their birthplaces, so their actual natal charts are an unknown quantity. I’ve actually toyed around with it before trying to find the most likely scenario for them both – ended up with Eric having a load of Aries influences fueled by underlying water signs, while Dylan seems a pure airhead with a lot of Libran influences and maybe a dramatic Leo streak in there somewhere. It’s all good fun, and some of those descriptors for them read as quite scarily accurate for how they tend to come across.

I’ve examined my natal chart for sure! Trying to figure out how each aspect plays off the other, especially because a lot of my chart is ridiculously accurate for me. Other people who’ve read some bits and pieces of my chart were just going “that’s you” – my parents basically went “of course yeah oh no wonder you’re like that” throughout. xD It’s like a little handbook to understanding a part of me or something, lol.

I noticed you’ve been on a roll lately in regards to answering questions! Prior to this, I would notice an answered question by Mama Dragon on my dash maybe… once in a blue moon? I digress; I enjoy hearing from the knowledgeable mind of yours.

Yeap, big-time roll and it keeps on coming! ^^ I have no idea where all these people are even coming from, haha, but you won’t hear me complain about it..
The option to ask me stuff has pretty much always existed, but it’s like people collectively realised that all of a sudden. xD

Happy to hear you enjoy seeing more of my stuff! Thanks. =)