morganeevans11 replied to your post “Have you ever heard the theory that Eric and Dylan’s dads were in on…”

Like they helped and were at the school! Supposedly Dylan’s dad was a secret agent with fbi. And only reason Eric was born was so they could do mind control experiments on. I think it’s kinda crazy sounding! But there are a lot of people who really think it’s true!

Okay, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the one about Dylan’s dad before BUT let me just say that the mind control theory is my favourite of all the Columbine conspiracies and I have spent hours reading about it and following the weirdest links online to get more info on it. Like, apparently Plattsburgh’s military base is linked to mind control experiments and there’s supposed to be this whole group of kids like Eric who’re being controlled and have a ‘handler’ and who’ll all grow up to be murderers or something and all that other shit that sounds like it belongs in either a spy movie or in the next alien invasion extravaganza. The further down the rabbithole you go on it, the weirder and the more amazing it gets. It also gets less believable, lol.

@morganeevans11 thanks for reminding me of the mind control thing, now I have the undying urge to go back and read more about it. xD