Who was brooks brown dating before the shootings?

I don’t know what her name was, but he mentions her very briefly in No Easy Answers during the section about prom:

“Me, I had to work that night; I had a job as a manager at Pizza Hut. Besides, I had just broken up with my longtime girlfriend only a few weeks beforehand. Prom was the last thing on my mind.”

If anyone else can help out with the name, that’d be great! =)

do u think reb would want to come back to earth one day?

Reb as in just Eric, or as in the alter ego I described in Building ‘Reb’? When it’s the former, I do think that he would want to come back down here someday. Eric has spoken about humanity with almost nothing but frustration, sure, but it feels to me like a new life may see him be very different. (It is a growth process for him, too, you know?) I think the dude was pretty damn fond of this planet, and it feels to me like a different time with different circumstances could see him do great things down here.

When we’re talking the latter, it’s a no from me. I think that Reb is intrinsically tied to Eric, as in you can’t get one without the other (package deal, how about that ;)), and that Reb must fully integrate back into Eric. I suspect that a lot of these past fifteen years, for him, have been a balancing act concerning that re-integration. I think the Reb-side would be far happier staying unrestricted by a human form, so there is little to no motivation on that one’s end to come back here.

I hope this makes sense, haha. We’re diving into very personally opinionated and non-factual territory here. 😉

fantastic answer thank you vry much. but eric an old soul? that is hard to fathom w/ all that hate heh =) i agree w/ dylan being a wise soul but

I’m glad to hear you liked it! =)

Hard to fathom him as an old soul, isn’t it, when you look at Eric as he was in the months prior to the massacre? I find it much easier to see him that way in his earlier years, like in the pictures we have of him as a child, and I do think that Eric was a really sweet kid at his core. I also think we have a standard image of the old soul being somehow free of hatred and all that other stuff.. In reality, I think that quite a few of them get frustrated because the world we live in now does not match the ideal their soul so desires. When your environment does not welcome the radical change you want, and turns blind eyes to you and shuns you in response, I think even an old soul may respond in anger with a sense of righteous indignation. Kinda like “why won’t you accept what I am teaching you”, you know?

Soul-wise, I’d put Eric as younger than Dylan though. I get a more detached and laidback vibe from the latter, which seems to match those really old souls who come down here every once in a while. His soul’s type would coincidentally be the one more prone to depression and apathy.

in your belief of the afterlife, do u think E&D will have to go through some sort of karmic debt for what they did in their next life? i believe in reincarnation and karma, i wonder if they would have to pay in that sense cuz i dnt believe in hell or do u think that if they were sorry that they would be forgiven and would not have to pay. thanks. i love ur answers u always put great effort into them

Well, I hope you’ll love this one too then. =) (Thank you for the compliment!)

And, whew, I hope nobody’s going to get really offended at the hornet’s nest my beliefs undoubtedly are to some. Everything I will write is the way I see and feel it, and I do not expect anyone to agree with me. I, too, do not believe in the concept of hell. My fifteen-year-old self would’ve said “hell is existing on Earth”, but I’m not that doom-ish anymore now. *laughs*

Most of the time, I feel that events such as Columbine serve a specific purpose in our existence. I think that the effects these events have are often ‘tools’ to help us learn, grow, and essentially ‘make the world a better place’. Columbine had a huge impact on entire generations of people, and continues to influence and inform the decisions we make and the efforts we put into keeping our children safe. Even here on Tumblr, we can see that the subject continues to interest people from all walks of life and that there is a pretty strong sense of community and support among those posting/talking about it. Not everything that came out of Columbine, out of such a terrible event, is a bad thing.

And when I think about the event this way, I also think about the boys. I think about how elated Dylan was when it was finally time for him to ‘go home’ to the halcyon he envisioned. I think about how hard it was for Eric to let go of life down here, especially because he didn’t have a solid idea of where he’d end up after death. I think about how the act of taking a life always has a major impact on someone’s soul, and about how ‘easy’ it would be for them both to get lost and adrift in the afterlife due to the strain that murder places on one’s soul. I cannot help but think, most days, that their souls must be old indeed to be able to carry such a burden at all. That maybe, just maybe, they said “yes” to carrying out such an act in this life because they were able to bear the major weight it put on their souls. That perhaps there was a higher, overarching purpose/meaning in the terrible act they committed here that would somehow settle any karmic debt that may arise from it.

I believe that the initial phase after death was a partial relief as much as it was a strong disorienting experience for both of them. I believe that Dylan had far less issues in detaching himself from his existence down here than Eric did, and I suspect that it took Eric a long time to ‘let go’ and learn how to deal with this new state of existence again. I believe that they are fully aware of what’s going on here and now, although I always feel that Eric has a higher interest in life here than Dylan does. I don’t think Dylan ever wants to return here, particularly, although he still might in certain cases. (Maybe for The Girl, mm? Sharing life down here one day?) Eric, though, I could see coming back. And when he does, I don’t think there will be a major karmic debt he’ll somehow have to settle. I do believe that he will have some personal ‘demons’ to contend with when he comes back, though. We are always the sum of our experiences, and Columbine will forever have an impact on who they both are in their soul.

Do you have anything to prove that the conspiracy might be wrong??



Yes, I do. It’s called the 11k. It’s called all the factual information about the case that’s been gathered and released over the course of these past fifteen years. While I am not a happy camper in the least concerning the way in which some of this evidence and most of the witness statements were handled, I do rely heavily on it because it’s the only solid information we have on the case. The 11k is not free of inconsistencies, but any researcher will confirm that many of these inconsistencies straighten themselves out the more research is conducted.

When I can poke holes into the ‘facts’ the conspiracy cites within the first five minutes of having read it without even having to try really hard to do so, it’s not really that good a theory. Good conspiracy theories are the ones that make you go “bwuh?” as you read them, simply because they are so factually sound that they cannot be refuted easily and because they often take up a void in the research that’s been conducted so far. This conspiracy theory we’re referring to here does not have factual accuracy in the least, ranging from ballistics where SWAT apparently killed six of the fifteen victims to Dylan’s father wearing FBI garb to everything I cited in my last post (and I could go on and on because I keep noticing more stuff), and the very few things in it that are not affected by the wrongful/fabricated citations of evidence are your standard run-of-the-mill conspiracies that always arise in cases like this one. Honestly, the more I read it the more I want to comment with “did you just close your eyes and wish really really hard?” because that approach would probably have garnered the exact same results as the so-called ‘research’ these conspiracy theorists say they have conducted..

Look, anyone who knows me really well will be able to tell you that I have a problem with JeffCo and the way authorities handled the boys and the situation prior to NBK, during NBK, and after NBK. I have problems with the way the investigation was conducted. I have a lot of issues with the witness statements. I have a long-standing discord in my veins concerning the media coverage of the event. I do not agree in the slightest with the status quo of “Harris was the evil psychopathic mastermind and Klebold was the depressive will-less follower” and every single piece I have written on my blog will show that I have a different opinion of the boys and NBK than the standard accepted view the media and authorities portray of these. The Columbine case is not free of criticism by a long shot and I will be the first in line to call ‘em out on what I perceive as willful stupidity.

However, I also recognise that Columbine was the first event of its kind with this magnitude and this many complications. I recognise that authorities did not have a solid protocol suggesting what they do in a situation like this, and I would like to add that the official federal protocols regarding school/mass shootings that are used successfully nowadays are the result of the research conducted into what happened at Columbine. I recognise that the investigators were in over their heads regarding all the information that came at them in the weeks and months after the massacre, and I also recognise that they probably did the best they could trying to sort out the many conflicting statements and all the major evidence. While I am of the belief that the massacre could possibly have been prevented and am of the belief that Eric and Dylan suffered from serious mental illnesses they needed help for, I am also mindful of the fact that I have the luxury of viewing the case at a far greater distance with mountains of knowledge put together now that used to be breadcrumbs back when the boys were still alive. As much as I am critical of the case and the way it was handled, I am also at the same time deeply respectful of the work that was done on it and of the great emotional impact it had on everyone affected.

When you are going to write a conspiracy theory, you owe your readers not only a solid factual base for your information. You also owe the investigators of the case and the families affected by the case a basic line of respect, because you are speaking about this case where fifteen people lost their lives and a great many others were traumatised by the things they witnessed that day. When even an amateur researcher such as myself takes one look at what you’ve written and immediately says “no, there are too many inaccuracies to make this a working theory”, you’d better let it go altogether or improve on it drastically. I love good conspiracy theories, as I said. I love ‘em to bits. But this one isn’t good. This one has far too many elements that can be disproven with a little bit of hard work and research, and I strongly recommend that anyone who believes it at this point in time takes a second look at the mountain of evidence available and conducts further research into the psyches of the boys and the medications Eric was on and so on and so forth. Educate yourself.

I never should have fucking stepped up with this information, you folks will hopelessly continue to rely on a work of fiction, and convince yourselves to the bitter end that this was all Eric & Dylan’s doing. Everything leading up to their demise was methodically & deliberately orchestrated. The boys were set out to be patsies for this shitshow long before they even attended the godforsaken school! You wanna talk about educating yourself? DO SOME MORE EXTENSIVE RESEARCH ON THE SUBJECT BEYOND WHAT YOU ALREADY THINK YOU KNOW. If you accept the story of Columbine for face value, I’m sorry, but you’re plain idiotic. If you think there was a legitimate investigation taking place in regards to the shooting, you’re just fucking ignorant. JEFFCO WAS IN ON IT, you stubborn fucks. It was all pre-meditated by agents of the law! To further enforce gun control & to also install fear in the nation as a DISTRACTION. There are countless examples of this in the history of US tragedies. Witnesses that day were ordered & even threatened to keep quiet about the government presence & multiple shooters on the scene. Eric & Dylan were victims of Delta-programming, and their SOLE purpose was to escape their programming by complying with their handlers & ultimately committing suicide as their only option of freeing themselves (albeit Dylan’s “suicide” remains sketchy). ALL OF IT IS FAKE, so fuck me sideways for at least attempting to explain to my fellow Columbiners the reality of the situation. Remain ignorant & live in a fairytale, see if I give a fuck. My only intention was to spread awareness.

Okay, this will hopefully be my final post on this particular subject. I have the feeling that anyone who shows hints of disagreement with you is not a welcome participant in conversation. So, I will not waste my breath any further outside of this one reply.

You state that your only intention is to spread awareness of what you feel is the truth about Columbine. However, I don’t think that posting one link to a fact-addled conspiracy theory is going to cut it. If you want people to take this seriously and to open their minds up to the possibility, I think that it may be a good idea to start off citing all the evidence you have found to back your views up with. Your view is not a commonly accepted one around here, although I do find it an interesting one, and I think that the discussion could benefit from the documentation you may be able to provide. Cite resources and back-up evidence for the Delta-programming, the threats made to witnesses, the pre-meditated nature of the massacre.. Anything that will ensure that people can educate themselves on this and form their own conclusions. If the massacre was truly as orchestrated as you currently claim, then there’s got to be a trail of breadcrumbs at the very least.

I have done two years of intensive and almost non-stop research on Columbine. I have studied certain aspects of this case, such as the psyches of both boys, for months on end. I have seen a lot of documentation, news articles, opinion pieces, documentaries, books, and other items relating to the case within these past two years. I’ve also seen my fair share of conspiracy theories relating to the medication and to military mind control programmes, but have seen nothing conclusive pointing toward this actually being the case. I know my material well enough by now to be able to write extensively about the boys and NBK. I am very familiar with the common conspiracy theories out there on both this case and cases similar to this, also, and I do like to keep an open mind and think to myself “hey maybe they have made a good point in here somewhere”. I’m not an anti-conspiracy theorist, as referred to in your other post, and I am willing to suspend disbelief when the theory presented looks solid enough.

One sentence does stand out to me in this reply from you, and not in a good way. It’s this one: “If you think there was a legitimate investigation taking place in regards to the shooting, you’re just fucking ignorant.” Really now? Don’t make me laugh. Seriously, just don’t go there. The claim that we don’t have all the paperwork is one thing I can get behind really easily, because I know for a fact that we don’t. But to claim that everything these people have worked their asses off for is not a legitimate investigation, to claim that everything that is offered to the families of the deceased is just another fabrication.. All I have to say to that opinion is this: you’d better be damn prepared to back this up with solid evidence, because this statement is very hurtful to everyone still working to get the full documentation released.

Lastly, I have one more thing I need to get off my chest. In both your initial reply and in this reply to my posts, I keep seeing statements along the lines of “you’re just fucking ignorant” and “you’re plain idiotic” . I should hope that this is meant as a general ‘you’ and not as a direct address to me (as I am the only one replying to you with direct criticism). I have been nicer about this subject with you than many others here would have been. I have been very respectful of you as a person in all three of my posts. Even though I am openly critical of the information you share, I am always willing to enter a dialogue and learn more about your side. I expect that same courtesy – no, that same common decency – from you in return.

Wait, I keep reading that Eric & Dylan weren’t the only ones shooting up the school, is this true?

Long answer short: no. Absolutely not.

The reason why this little tidbit gets cited over and over again in conspiracy theories and in the initial information from that day is understandable enough. Many of the witnesses have conflicting statements concerning who they saw that day and what these individuals were wearing at the time. For example: you have Eric go from wearing a black duster to wearing a white T-shirt, so you might get the impression from witnesses stating “short dude wearing black” to “short dude wearing white shirt” that there were two short dudes wearing different clothes instead of it just being Eric changing his look. 😉

Many of the witnesses were traumatised by the events that they’d gone through that day. Trauma has a nice little habit of altering perceptions of what you see and hear, and of messing up your perception of time. Minutes can seem like hours in that case. You might think you remember seeing one of the boys inside the school that morning, while really you’ve seen them on a different morning. You might think somebody else is involved in the shooting (and your traumatised mind will literally place them at the scene while they weren’t there at all) based on maybe a comment like “man, I wish these people’d just get shot” you overheard from them one day. There are many conflicting statements about the whereabouts of the boys and the details of their actions due to the trauma of the event affecting witness perceptions. The statements that overlap and the statements from witnesses whose clarity remains undisputed (Bree Pasquale, for instance, is worth gold to both myself and Krabbé) are the ones that will tell you a more solid story of who was where and what they were doing. One of the surviving library witnesses has been very adamant in her recent statement that there was no third shooter (her statement can be read on the Columbine forum, for those interested) and I am inclined to believe that she knows exactly what she is talking about.

Plus, let’s be fair for a second: authorities had established a really strong perimeter around the school quite early on. There seems to be no way that a third shooter could have been involved and somehow escaped from school grounds. The few people they suspected of involvement were not accused of being additional shooters, but were accused of having further/prior information on things like the bombs and guns. Nowhere in the 11k have I seen any concrete statement that there were more than two shooters, and I am forever of the belief that the actions of the boys were “a two-man war against the rest of the world”. (Also, I’m going to note here that almost every single school/mass shooting that’s happened since Columbine has always had initial reports of multiple shooters due to the arising panic and confusion that were disproven again later on.)

Do you have anything to prove that the conspiracy might be wrong??

Yes, I do. It’s called the 11k. It’s called all the factual information about the case that’s been gathered and released over the course of these past fifteen years. While I am not a happy camper in the least concerning the way in which some of this evidence and most of the witness statements were handled, I do rely heavily on it because it’s the only solid information we have on the case. The 11k is not free of inconsistencies, but any researcher will confirm that many of these inconsistencies straighten themselves out the more research is conducted.

When I can poke holes into the ‘facts’ the conspiracy cites within the first five minutes of having read it without even having to try really hard to do so, it’s not really that good a theory. Good conspiracy theories are the ones that make you go “bwuh?” as you read them, simply because they are so factually sound that they cannot be refuted easily and because they often take up a void in the research that’s been conducted so far. This conspiracy theory we’re referring to here does not have factual accuracy in the least, ranging from ballistics where SWAT apparently killed six of the fifteen victims to Dylan’s father wearing FBI garb to everything I cited in my last post (and I could go on and on because I keep noticing more stuff), and the very few things in it that are not affected by the wrongful/fabricated citations of evidence are your standard run-of-the-mill conspiracies that always arise in cases like this one. Honestly, the more I read it the more I want to comment with “did you just close your eyes and wish really really hard?” because that approach would probably have garnered the exact same results as the so-called ‘research’ these conspiracy theorists say they have conducted..

Look, anyone who knows me really well will be able to tell you that I have a problem with JeffCo and the way authorities handled the boys and the situation prior to NBK, during NBK, and after NBK. I have problems with the way the investigation was conducted. I have a lot of issues with the witness statements. I have a long-standing discord in my veins concerning the media coverage of the event. I do not agree in the slightest with the status quo of “Harris was the evil psychopathic mastermind and Klebold was the depressive will-less follower” and every single piece I have written on my blog will show that I have a different opinion of the boys and NBK than the standard accepted view the media and authorities portray of these. The Columbine case is not free of criticism by a long shot and I will be the first in line to call ’em out on what I perceive as willful stupidity.

However, I also recognise that Columbine was the first event of its kind with this magnitude and this many complications. I recognise that authorities did not have a solid protocol suggesting what they do in a situation like this, and I would like to add that the official federal protocols regarding school/mass shootings that are used successfully nowadays are the result of the research conducted into what happened at Columbine. I recognise that the investigators were in over their heads regarding all the information that came at them in the weeks and months after the massacre, and I also recognise that they probably did the best they could trying to sort out the many conflicting statements and all the major evidence. While I am of the belief that the massacre could possibly have been prevented and am of the belief that Eric and Dylan suffered from serious mental illnesses they needed help for, I am also mindful of the fact that I have the luxury of viewing the case at a far greater distance with mountains of knowledge put together now that used to be breadcrumbs back when the boys were still alive. As much as I am critical of the case and the way it was handled, I am also at the same time deeply respectful of the work that was done on it and of the great emotional impact it had on everyone affected.

When you are going to write a conspiracy theory, you owe your readers not only a solid factual base for your information. You also owe the investigators of the case and the families affected by the case a basic line of respect, because you are speaking about this case where fifteen people lost their lives and a great many others were traumatised by the things they witnessed that day. When even an amateur researcher such as myself takes one look at what you’ve written and immediately says “no, there are too many inaccuracies to make this a working theory”, you’d better let it go altogether or improve on it drastically. I love good conspiracy theories, as I said. I love ’em to bits. But this one isn’t good. This one has far too many elements that can be disproven with a little bit of hard work and research, and I strongly recommend that anyone who believes it at this point in time takes a second look at the mountain of evidence available and conducts further research into the psyches of the boys and the medications Eric was on and so on and so forth. Educate yourself.




The above link opens up a webpage that thoroughly explains what really went down in regards to the Columbine massacre 4/20/99. The truth in regards to who Eric & Dylan were as well may be a huge shock & perhaps disappointing to read, but please read this article through. Keep an open mind as you read, and hopefully realize that the boys & Columbine are NOT what us Columbiners have believed to be for so long, & in my case, 5 years. 

Ponder all that you read, & I encourage everyone who has an affinity with the boys & Columbine to do further research into the subject of this article. WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED.

RE-BLOG THE FUCK OUT OF THIS. & if you wanna send me hate for it, GO RIGHT AHEAD. The truth hurts but I’m beyond grateful to know about this now. 

Yours truly,

I love conspiracy theories. I really do. I love to dive into them, find the open space to discuss them in, and get a different outlandish angle on the whole deal. I’m Aquarian – it’s my thing. I’m fond of these things in ways you can’t even fathom.

However. This article has some serious factual inaccuracies ranging from the BMW being reported as Eric’s car (it was Dylan’s) to there being less background info on Dylan than on Eric (“No Easy Answers”, anyone?) to Eric being held in the local jail the night before the shooting (that’s the first I’ve ever heard, good grief) and so on and so forth. While I do not agree with JeffCo and the general way the case was handled at all (anyone who’s ever heard me rant on this subject will confirm this), I really do not believe that they were prepared for this shooting to happen. The reports on multiple shooters are due to witness confusion stemming from changes in wardrobe from the boys that day. I know the 11k is not the most straightforward of documents (it’s a fucked-up mess, let’s be honest here, and I really want to take the time to re-sort it someday) but if you’re gonna do a conspiracy theory you’re gonna have to get your facts straight to make it believable..


I really do find Dylan difficult to understand. In some ways he suggests that he is of higher value than others, yet he also expresses self loathing and his view that he is inferior.

If I may get personal for a second.. I think I may have a window into this side of Dylan based on my own experiences. =) Hope you don’t mind the addendum! I was asked the question of what made my teenage self develop a similar “godlike” attitude to the boys, especially Dylan, a while ago elsewhere. This was my reply:

One of my psychs already said that it was very strange that there was such a strong absence of insecurity. Normally they’d see a huge loss of security in one’s self with the issues I was going through at the time, but I actually scored higher than the norm on any question pertaining to the subject. I would suspect that it was because I never wanted to own up to feeling stupid/worthless/weird/anything else people said I was. Instead, there was a very strong feeling I created for myself of being superior to most of humanity because they didn’t understand me and rejected my thoughts/ideas/etc so strongly. I think there was a time where I coveted the moniker ‘weird kid’ rather than have it bother me, because at least that name would set me apart from the sheep in the masses. On my really bad days now, I must admit, I still have ‘the god complex’ run rampant in my system because it’s still my coping mechanism that helps me get past rejection/etc more easily. It’s easier for me to think that people aren’t accepting of me because I am telling/showing them something they don’t want to hear/see than it is for me to think that people just don’t like me because I’m the strange quiet girl with a different view of the world.

I think I developed the ‘godlike’ attitude because I got so damn frustrated with 99% of humanity. It felt easier to turn that rage outward and rally against ‘the sheep’, ‘the fools’, and ‘the ones who need to die in a fire’ on a near-constant basis. It was better than having to face myself and my own responsibility in being rejected/etc. It was better than hating myself for being different and for being weird, which is usually what happened when I was alone and lost the tight grip of control I had on the feeling of superiority. The moment that mask of being godlike faltered, I was left with nothing but myself and I really didn’t like myself that much. I wanted to die as much as I wanted to live. There’s a very, very strong component of inner worthlessness and self-hatred in having to make yourself superior to everyone else just to help you get through the day that I think doesn’t get recognised enough. All people see is the mask you build up for yourself that says ‘I am god among mortals’, after all, because that’s the image you crafted carefully for yourself in order to protect you from all the hurt that’s inside of you. The ‘godlike’ attitude is still the best wall I ever built between my public self and my private self. It’s a wall so strong that, really, I started to believe in it too.

Back to School

Back to School

I’ve read that Robin was cloying with Dylan and she used to call him with silly nicknames, do you know anything about it? And what happened with her, did she married or.. ?

I’ve read the same sort of thing about the nicknames somewhere on Tumblr, but now that I look for it I can’t find it anywhere. Story of my life. *laughs* I did find something that shows a little of how Robyn saw their friendship, though, in this quote from her about prom:

I couldn’t decide who, if anyone, I wanted to go with, so finally I convinced my friend Dylan, who hates dances, jocks and has never had a date let alone a girlfriend to go with me!  I am either really cute or just really persuasive!  I think we will have a good time though because we always have fun when we hang out.  He’s a blast as a friend, but I guess it will be kinda wierd to be out with him all dressed up because mostly when we do stuph we just go bowling, watch movies or I help him catch up on the calculus assignments he waits until the last night to do all of.

With the way she speaks about him, and the quote that they always have fun when they hang out, I can certainly see her giving him some funny/awkward/silly nicknames that Dylan would probably hate but be okay with because he knew they were affectionate names and not mocking. =)

I actually have no idea what happened with Robyn and what she’s doing now. I think that her name was so tied to the affair with the guns that she might be reluctant to go public with any info now. Then again, I have not really looked for anyone they used to be friends with to see what’s going on in their life now – I catch that info through the tag on Tumblr sometimes, sure, but I don’t actively seek it out myself.

Nothing changed after 13 people were killed at Columbine, or 33 at Virginia Tech, or 26 at Sandy hook. Each of those tragedies came with the same breaking news coverage as Columbine, but none generated the same sense of action because fewer and fewer people actually believed things could change. The last 15 years have been a lesson in how “never again” can be cowed into “I need a drink.”

And that’s insane. It’s an insane thing to have to accept that problem as an inevitability. It’s an insane reality to have to shrug off.

i love ur blog and i was curious if u believe the theory that eric was losing interest in columbine or feeling like he HAD to go thru with it ?. i think u posted a article about it im pretty sure it was u do u think it holds truth ?.

Thank you very much for the compliment! =)

I posted two articles about this theory, true, which can be found here and here. Both of these articles are excerpts of the Dutch book We Are But We Aren’t Psycho, written by Tim Krabbé, which was the first book I personally ever read about the case. I believe that this theory certainly has some merit. I don’t think that there was a real loss of interest in the deal on Eric’s part, but I do think that the plan ‘grew over his head’ and took on a life of its own. NBK seems to have had a chokehold on Eric to the point where he admits to incorporating everything he sees/hears into it somehow. He doesn’t give himself the liberty of exploring other options, not anymore, and over the course of that one year prior to the massacre you can clearly see him lose the grip he once had on the idea. I think NBK started off as a joke, as a fleeting thought of “wouldn’t it be cool if”, and once it became serious business there was still the impression of it being ‘just like a videogame’ or ‘something out of a movie’. I don’t think either one of the boys saw it for the reality it was.

I’ve written two very long pieces about my own theory and opinions regarding Eric and his involvement in NBK, which I will also leave here in case you haven’t read them yet: part one & part two.

What is pagan?

A pagan is someone who adheres to the spiritual path of paganism. Paganism is an umbrella term of sorts that includes many different pathwalks, from things like Wicca to polytheistic reconstructionism, but generally has a common theme of living in tune with nature and living in balance with yourself. The most common ethic is “do what you will for as long as it harms none”, although not all pagans follow that code by a long shot. We’re a diverse bunch, and any one pagan you ask will probably give you a different answer to your question.

I identify as eclectic pagan, which means that I incorporate practices from many different paths into my celebrations and rituals. I have not been initiated into a group like a Wiccan coven, nor have I studied at length in any specific path. (I’m indecisive, what can I say!) I personally believe that God is in every part of nature/the universe, but yet also transcends it as the force that created the universe. The many gods that human beings adhere to are, to me, different expressions of this one God-force. I essentially believe that we have been granted a stewardship of this Earth and that we have a sacred duty to work toward the betterment of humanity.

Hope this helps! =)

Maybe their music made them, you know, a little more upset or maybe video games said “Oh this is how you can kill someone” but, that wasn’t the real problem. The real problem was they had, I think, they’d been so hurt in their heart. And if we look at all of these things on the outside that these guys did or were involved in and never look at what was going on inside of them, all the pain, you never get anywhere. Cause I think with Eric and Dylan it’s very easy to say “Well they had this and that and this and that and that was all wrong” and never take any responsibility and say “Well maybe we never treated them the way we should have treated them.”

former Columbine student  (via shotsofdylan)


When we first got to the park, they said: “There’s one more school bus coming.” And well, the school was a very short distance away; it shouldn’t take too long for that bus to get there. I waited and waited, and I thought “where is that school bus? Where is the school bus?” And then someone’s child came in and I heard him say: “I heard on the news that there’s 25 students that were killed.” And I said; “That bus should have been here by now.”
  I left. I had to be with my family at that point. There was no last school bus. They were wrong. There was no last school bus.

– Tom Mauser, father of Columbine victim Daniel Mauser.